
If you are an owner, a builder, a company or even an inspector, we have an extensive range of manuals in our library.

We hold Parts List Mauals, Service Manuals and Modifications Manuals, overhaul manuals and operators manuals for a vast range of engines, some of which are listed below. If you have any special reqiurements, please call.

Description Type Issue Date Amendment Number
 Spare parts list  Gipsy Major Series 1 & 10 February 1997 26
 Operation, Maintenance & Overhaul  Gipsy Major Series 10 May 1990 29
 Operation, Maintenance & Overhaul  Gipsy Major 1,1C,1D,1F,1G,HC & 7 December 1958 N/A
 Modification & Technical News Sheets  Gipsy Major Series 10 August 1997 11
 Modification & Technical News Sheets  Early Type Gipsy Engines Major 1 to 7, Queen 6 1-2, Queen 2 & 3 March 1993 6

 List last updated 27/6/2014