At Deltair we are happy to run training courses tailored to your specific needs. We can provide a hands on approach, with practical demonstrations on a specific or series of engines by our highly quallified and vastly experienced staff. We can provide course notes, full technical manuals, asociated parts lists, up to date modifications, mandatory technical news sheets and air directives.

Please call us to discuss your specific needs.


Pictured here we have a course of delegates at a recent LAA Information Workshop on Gipsy engines and associated propellers.

Some of the delegate’s comments:-

“Many, many thanks to you and all at Deltair for putting on such an excellent course last week. Well done. You asked if I could think of anything to suggest, change-wise, and frankly No, there is nothing, except maybe iced cup cakes to round off the buffet!” Ken Craigie, Chief Inspector, Light Aircraft Association.

“Great course you guys, you’re never too old to learn” John Pothecary, LAA Engineer.

“Thank you Deltair, I now have even more knowledge on Gipsy engines to offer Vanguard customers at Henstridge Airfield” Richard Hunt, Chief Engineer.


Shown left are delegates from our third Gipsy Engine course, organised by Mr Ken Craigie (fourth from right) and the LAA team.

Also attending (seventh from left) Mr Bill Taylor from De Havilland Support Ltd. “A most informative course, with valuable feedback on the day to day issues of owning and operating a Gipsy Major engine”